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Tag Archives: videoclip
Videoclip de “The Season’s Upon Us” en el próximo álbum “SIGNED and SEALED in BLOOD” de Dropkick Murphys
Esta cancion me ha hecho mi día Creo que esta va a ser mi canción favorita de la Navidad de este año
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Video oficial de ‘Jersey’ de la banda belga Willow
Si supieran con qué presupuesto estos chicos trabajaron para hacer de este impresionante videoclip, lo apreciarían aún más!
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Videoclip: Las LIPS – (You Make The) Girls Go Wild!
Wessel van Diepen lo hizo de nuevo! Fue el creador de los Vengaboys, ahora viene con un nuevo grupo de chicas, las LIPS! ¿Qué piensas? va a lograr otro n º 1 hit cartelera?
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Banda Rusa Serebro – Mama Lyuba (Videoclip Censurado)
El trío Serebro está formado por Elena Temnikova, Seryabkina Olga, y Karpova Anastasya. La banda fue fundada por el conocido productor ruso Maxim Fadeev en 2006.
Serebro ha desarrollado su imagen conceptual y austera. Sin embargo, las chicas siempre están abiertas para algo diferente: están en una constante búsqueda de nuevas imágenes, nuevas formas de expresión, y nuevas olas. Esa es la idea del trío, que sigue atrayendo a gente de su trabajo musical en pleno desarrollo.
Letra traducida al inglés del ruso:
Mama Luba (Мама Люба).
On your couch crazy we
We are like two Montana after Nirvana
We flew so they did not notice your mother
And she said that I just ….
Mama Luba come on, come on, come on x3
Our crib did chic-chic
I’m yours piano. and you are my tuner
We flew so they did not notice your mother
And she said that I just ….

“Weird Al” Yankovic – Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me (Deja de reenviarme esa basura)
No tengo palabras para esto, sólo veanlo te va a gustar como a mi, 100% seguro de eso.
Oh the sand keeps falling through the hourglass
And there’s no way you’re going to slow it down
You say we gotta treasure each moment
Who knows how long we’re gonna be around
Yeah you keep on telling me life is short
And it’s hard to disagree with what you say
But if time is so precious why ya wasting mine
Cuz I’m always reading
Always deleting
Every useless piece of garbage that you send my way
Every stupid hoax
All those corny jokes
Stop forwarding that crap to me
Well I don’t need tons of cringe inducing puns
Stop forwarding that crap to me
No it isn’t ok if you brighten my day
With some cut and pasted hackneyed Hallmark poetry
And I didn’t request a personality test
Stop forwarding that crap to me
You’re sending virus latent you’re sending virus-laden bandwidth-hogging
Attachments to every single person you know
You’re passing around a link to some dumb thing on YouTube
That everybody else already saw three years ago
And wacky badly Photoshopped billboard were never that amusing to me
And I just can’t believe you believe those urban legends
But I have high hopes that someone will point you toward Snopes
And debunk that crazy junk you’re spewing constantly
[ Lyrics from: ]
No I don’t want a bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Stop forwarding that crap to me
Send more top 10 lists and I’ll slash my wrists
Please stop forwarding that crap to me
Well I’m sorry I can’t accept your paranoid rant
And I don’t want the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe
Won’t you kindly refrain cuz it’s hurting my brain
Stop forwarding that crap to me…
Like glittery hearts and unicorns and pictures of somebody’s cat
Now tell me in what alternate reality will I care about something like
And by the way your quotes from George Carlin aren’t really George Carlin
Mr. Rogers never fought the Viet Cong
And Bill Gates is never gonna give me something for nothing
And I really doubt some dead girl is gonna kill me if I don’t pass her
Letter along
Well now I know you’re wishing
I’ll sign your petition
But stop forwarding that crap to me
And I don’t want to read your series
Of conspiracy theories
Just stop forwarding that crap to me
And your two million loser friends
All have my address because you never figured out the way to BCC
But now I gotta insist
Take me off of your list
Stop forwarding that crap to me
(Stop forwarding that crap to me
Stop forwarding that crap to me
Stop forwarding that crap to me
Stop forwarding that crap to me)
Just stop it now
Oh no
(Stop forwarding that crap to me) [repeats]
I can’t take it
Aw please
You gotta stop
Right now
I’m not kidding
At the risk of being slightly repetitious gonna ask you now to stop
Sending me that crap
I don’t want it
Don’t send it to me
Now don’t send it to me
Just stop forwarding that crap to me
Stop forwarding that crap to me
To me
Ode To The Bouncer (Oda al guardia) por Studio Killers – Videoclip Oficial
Un clip algo extraño para un ‘single’, no tam malo de The Killers studio, llamado “Oda al guardia”
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Yuksek – On a train (En el tren) | Videoclip oficial
¿Cómo puede perder el amor de su vida? Él está sólo soñando …
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Videoclip rehecho de ‘Sabotage’
Remake del vídeo musical Sabotage de los Beastie Boys. Grabado con Sony HVR Z7, editado en Avid Liquid.
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24 Frames – T.Shirt (Videoclip Oficial)
Dirigida por Dred y Ronin de HotMop Films en una sola toma a través de cine en el centro histórico, Nueva York.
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